Our Daily Diary – Day five

We spent almost all day at school today. After « mirror Time » , the Swedish, Spanish and French students split into different groups.

We gathered in a classroom with our French teachers and we shared what we ´ve been seeing and living so far in Sweden.

We prepared for the videoconference with France and at 10:35, we skyped the school.

We answered all the questions the French students had prepared. It was so funny to see Mrs Lacroix, Mr Adam, Mr Gambier and Mr Younssi on the screen !

Later, 7th grade students (= 4ème) invited us to see the presentations they had prepared about typical Swedish things like ABBA, Ikea or meatballs. That sur what we had for lunch by the way!


In the afternoon, we worked with our teams on different questionnaires about school Life and daily Life. Thanks to these activities, we got to know each other better and we realised that we have differences but also similarities.

At 5:00 p.m., we all met in Särö Västerskog to have an X-note walk ( this app enables you to hide virtual messages outdoors) to a restaurant called Blomstermåla. The place was amazing!

We ate burgers and ice-cream

and once we were finished, we all went outside to watch the sun set.

Gunnar and two other Swedish boys decided to jump in the water!

We won’t Tell you if any of the French did the same… What happens in Sweden, stays in Sweden!

6 réflexions sur “Our Daily Diary – Day five

  1. déru sophie dit :

    En effet ce qui se passe en Suède reste en Suède…Matthieu a adoré la baignade avec son correspondant Gunnar, je pense que çà restera un de ses meilleurs souvenirs 😉


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