Our Daily Diary – Day Seven

We arrived at 8:30 for « mirror Time » to share our experiences from our day in Gothenburg, especially to explain to people from each track what the other track did on Thursday.

A Kahoot Quiz.

Then we shared the information we got from the questionnaire about our use of water and played a Kahoot quiz about it.

At 11:15, we attended a French lesson. We were interviewed by Swedish students. It was weird to hear them speak French.

French class in Sweden!

We ate a typical Swedish soup for lunch. We liked it although we found it strange.

Then, in teams and in groups, we thought about questions based on the observations we made all along the week to create a survey about our everyday life, school Life, our shared resources, our shared history and how to become a global citizen.

Working together!

Choosing the right words together.

At the end of the afternoon, we gathered outside the school to take group pictures.

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We met again at 5:00 for the farewell ceremony and dinner. The headteacher made a fantastic speech and gave us certificates of attendance.


A congratulatory hug from the headmaster and the Swedish teachers.

To celebrate the end of this amazing week, we had a disco and we sang famous Swedish songs. We had so much fun!

Some of us carried on the party to the beach:


It’ll be very hard to say goodbye tomorrow


3 réflexions sur “Our Daily Diary – Day Seven

  1. déru sophie dit :

    merci d’avoir organisé ce magnifique voyage, Matthieu en gardera des merveilleux souvenirs. Un grand merci à toute l’équipe enseignante, aux suédois et aux élèves !!


    • dinands dit :

      Merci pour ce beau commentaire! Toute l’équipe enseignante de Jean-Claude Dauphin s’accorde sur le fait que ce voyage était une expérience unique rendue parfaite par l’investissement total, le comportement exemplaire et la bonne humeur de tous les élèves qui y participaient. Ce fut un vrai plaisir de les accompagner pendant cette aventure européenne. Merci.


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